Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hey, Can You Satisfy My Needs?

Hey everyone,
Welcome back!!
In this blog I will be talking about Supply Chains Management and Marketing Strategy. Before I show examples of different companies and their responsive supply chains, I would like to define the terms.

According to Kerin Supply Chain refers to, "The Various firms involved in performing the activities required to create and deliver a product or service to consumers or industrial users."

Ok. This video breaks it down for you.

Kerin went on to talk about Marketing Strategies. Marketing Strategy is the "means by which a marketing goal is to be achieved, usually characterized by a specified target market and a marketing program to reach it."

Did you know that there are really 7  P's of the Marketing Mix?
Check out this video.

When the two are placed together, there are 3 steps that supply chains follows based on market strategy:

1. Understand the Customer
This means that companies should know the needs of their customers, this includes the desire for a low price or convenience of purchase.

2. Understanding the Supply Chain

Now, what is this designed to do?
The answer to this question is having companies be intuned with the requirements of its customers in order to deliver the best products or services at the most reasonable rate. 

3. Harmonize the supply chain with the marketing strategy

For the third and final step, companies should think about whether or not they are capable to doing well. Not only that, but they must think about the needs of the customers. 

Connections? Lets take a look at two companies: Dell and Walmart

Target Market for Dell? Customers who wants the latest, top of the line computers. They are willing to wait to have their computers customized and pay whatever price necessary to get this done. Now I know that Dell computers may not be as popular as Apple computers, but they were once in high demand.


The Marketing Strategy of Walmart is to be reliable, lower-price retailer for a large variety of products. This allows the company to be efficient when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Before we go I have a movie that is must see. R.I.P. Paul Walker 

Until Next Time my Fellow Marketers!!

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