Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's time for us to Depart

Hey guys,
Welcome back!!!
I know that I left you guys with a post that made even me cry and for that I would like to say sorry. This blog is going to be a little different than the others. The reason for this is because this will be my last blog post for the semester.  I know right! I can't believe that the semester is already coming to a close. Let's try our best not to dwell on the negatives. Lets make this last blog count.

As the students count down the amount of days that we have left in school, so does the professors. Like us, they are eager to get out of the classroom and into the real world and as far away from homework, quizzes and exams as possible. Yep, I have finally accepted the facts that my professors have a life outside of the classroom.

Before we can move forward, we have to look back on everything that has happened throughout the semester. Being in this Marketing class has taught me a lot throughout the semester. I remember writing my very first blog post on what I thought was the meaning of Marketing. When I first thought of the term Marketing, the only thing I could associate it with was Wall Street. Now that I am leaving this class I can give you a true definition. "Wanting to communicate and exchange benefits to the consumers, companies use different marketing strategies to help satisfy their needs and wants." Rodger Kerin. 

Another thing that I have taken from this class was the 7 P's of Marketing. Let me explain. When I first started this class, I was taught that there are 4 P's of marketing mixPRICE PLACE PRODUCT and PROMOTION.. It was while I was working on these blogs that I realized that there is so much  more to marketing.


A third point that I would like to review after taking this course was the Hierarchy of Needs.

This was something that was brought up in previous business courses, but never really dwelled upon. Throughout this class I have had the opportunity to correlate these different steps with my life. Each and every step on this motivation chart has helped me throughout my college career already. I have found that being able to have great self esteem will help you in the long run, especially when it comes to reaching self-actualization.

At the end of the day one thing that I know for certain is that when it comes to marketing, it starts and ends with consumers. It's all about doing your best as a company to satisfy their wants and needs. I was able to attempt this through  Practice Marketing and the team in which I worked.  While working in the team I found that there might be cases where some customers like your product, while others don't.When this happens, we had to try our best to create a product that will satisfy the need of ALL our customers.

For the last couple of days in the semester our professor brought in guest speakers (extra credit!!)  Before they spoke I was nervous about what the future holds and trying to figure things out.

However, one thing that I took away from both speakers was that I don't have to have my entire life figured out right now, after all I am just a junior in college.
From this class, I have taken away some marketing knowledge especially when it comes to going into the professional worldThis summer I got accepted to Florida State Undergrad Law Program and I am very excited to attend. This program will help me when it comes to determining whether or not law is something that I would like to do in the future.
Marketing helped in this process because it showed me different ways in which I can market myself; by making my resume sound more appealing to different jobs etc. 

 Though I kind of know what I want to do with my life, it was good to hear people who have been through this say that its ok not to know.
Finally I can breathe!

Even though this is the last post I am still leaving you with another must see. Maybe I'll see you guys at the theater?


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