Saturday, March 14, 2015

It's Just a Whole Lotta APPLES!!!

Hey everyone

Welcome back!

In today's blog we will be discussing APPLES or better yet APPLE (people may start getting hungry thinking it’s the fruit lol). NO guys the APPLE we will be talking about today is not the fruit, though I could use some right now myself, rather it’s about the Company who has a lot of new products on the market.

We will be talking about the new APPLE Watch that is scheduled to be release soon and the APPLE TV. It's just one big APPLE TAKE OVER!

The first thing I would like to talk about is the APPLE Watch. This watch is set to be released in April to the public. I thought it sounded interesting and went online to take a look.

I was going to say cheapest version, but we all know this ain't cheap. The one that costs the least is $549.00 . You heard me and if you didn't I'll say it again $549.00.They range from this price all the way to $12,000.00.You can check out the photos below.


I personally cannot afford any of these watches and I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who are in the same boat as me. 
I agreed with my Marketing Professor that, "If I am paying $12,000 for a gold watch, I want to be able to see the gold. They should have made the wristbands gold."

Now something else that APPLE now has on the market is the APPLE TV. The APPLE TV gives you access to millions of tv shows and movies by just plugging it in. Not just that, but anything on your iCloud or your iTunes account can now be connected to your television.
What exactly are you "plugging in"?

Before, if you had a HBO subscription, you would be able to connect your subscription to your APPLE device. Now what's so new about this is that APPLE is now making it possible to subscribe to HBO without the need of a cable or satellite contract.

Now as a way of connecting this to Marketing, we should look at ways in which the word about this new product is reaching the ears of the consumers. One way in which this is happening is through the different social medias, especially facebook. With everyone talking and sharing the information, they are doing the promotion of the product for APPLE. Maybe companies should look into facebook as a free promoter.
Check out this video I found about the new watch.

Before we go please check out Get Hard trailer. Coming to theaters Friday March 27, 2015.

Until Next Time My Fellow Marketers!

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