Saturday, February 14, 2015

Rekindling that Old Flame: Wait What?

Hey guys,

Welcome back!!

Before we get started just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day to all those who are going to be celebrating with someone special.

To those of you who are heartbroken and hate celebrating Valentine's Day, you are not alone!

So in today's society, there are many ways to get a date. One of the most common ways of doing this is through social media.

Remember that cute boy from high school with the great hair or even that beautiful girl from your freshman year in college who would smile and wave at you from across the cafeteria?

Thing is you lost contact with these individuals.
But fear not!

You just heard from your friend Jane/John that they are now SINGLE!!!!

This is it! This is your moment to shine!

Wait how did Jane/John found out this information?

Well to answer your question, it was through Social Media.

This is a great example of Word of Mouth. This is defined as "the most powerful and authentic information source for consumers because it typically involves friends viewed as trustworthy" (Kerin).

This means because you have so much faith in Jane/ John you will listen to them and make your move. At least I hope.

Facebook isn't the only place you can rekindle that flame. If Facebook isn't for you, there are different websites that are set in place for specific people.

There are websites like:

or even:

Websites like these have a specific Target Market.

Target Market is defined as, "One or more specific group of potential consumers towards which an organization directs its marketing program" (Kerin).  

These companies, along with many others, know who they are targeting and made that their main priority. 
Another service that is advertised through Facebook was done by VENUE. This is an 18+ club right here in Vermont. This Valentine's Day you would not believe who is going to be there?!!!

Now the question of What other companies do, you know those companies that offer things other than products?
When it comes these companies, they use Social Medias in order to advertise their products.
Companies such as Hallmark

Or even Dove Chocolate
Well that's it for this weeks episode, but before I go:

Want to know what I'm doing for Valentine's Day? Going to see this movie with my darling!. Check out the Trailer below.

Until Next Time my fellow MARKETERS!!

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