Monday, February 23, 2015

Take of Your Clothes..I meant Nice to Meet You

Hey guys,

Welcome back!!

It was Valentine's Day when I last posted and wanted to know how it went! Call me a sucker, but I am all for the lovey dovey romance. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite days, aside from Christmas of course.

Talking about all this lovey dovey mushy things is a great segway into this week's post.

In today's episode, I will be talking about Subliminal messages in advertisements. So we all know what subliminal messages are.Right?
Well if you don't then I will tell you.

Subliminal messages is defined as, "below the threshold or surface of your conscious mind." This means that if you are not looking for it, trust and believe you won't find it.

Don't believe me, well check out this video.

Some of these messages doesn't just jump out at you like the Skittles one did. It takes a lot of time and effort. 

Now commercials are not the only place you can find subliminal messages. One company we will be focusing on today is Disney. Yep you heard right. There are subliminal messages can be found all over Disney movies.
Yes Anna! Sadly it's true. I had the same reaction when I found out myself. 

Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to watch the Little Mermaid?
You thought you saw this:

Look a little closer:
STOP! Deep breaths people. That was only the beginning.

Or even when you wanted to see Lion King your favorite movie of all times, but in reality this was what you were seeing:

Come on Disney! There are kids watching. Many of my childhood memories have now been ruin. I don't want to know what I would find if I sit down and looked through them all.

 Though Disney is guilty of having these types of sexual messages in their movies, there are still some subliminal messages in advertisement that are not sexual at all. Or at least I think so.
Take for example Amazon.
Did you ever notice that the arrow under the word points from A to Z, showing consumers that they can rely on Amazon for all their needs.
Another example would be the FedEx company.
I never noticed that between the E and the X is an arrow. One of my classmates pointed that out to us during one of our Marketing classes.

There is also one found in the Wendy's photo
Isn't that the sweetest thing. Though Wendy's head marketers are not taking credit. They claimed they did not plan for this. Planned or not this still rocks!

This brings me to the end of this week's post.

Before I go I want to leave you guys with the trailer for another must watch. I know I will...

Until Next Time my Fellow Marketers!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Rekindling that Old Flame: Wait What?

Hey guys,

Welcome back!!

Before we get started just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day to all those who are going to be celebrating with someone special.

To those of you who are heartbroken and hate celebrating Valentine's Day, you are not alone!

So in today's society, there are many ways to get a date. One of the most common ways of doing this is through social media.

Remember that cute boy from high school with the great hair or even that beautiful girl from your freshman year in college who would smile and wave at you from across the cafeteria?

Thing is you lost contact with these individuals.
But fear not!

You just heard from your friend Jane/John that they are now SINGLE!!!!

This is it! This is your moment to shine!

Wait how did Jane/John found out this information?

Well to answer your question, it was through Social Media.

This is a great example of Word of Mouth. This is defined as "the most powerful and authentic information source for consumers because it typically involves friends viewed as trustworthy" (Kerin).

This means because you have so much faith in Jane/ John you will listen to them and make your move. At least I hope.

Facebook isn't the only place you can rekindle that flame. If Facebook isn't for you, there are different websites that are set in place for specific people.

There are websites like:

or even:

Websites like these have a specific Target Market.

Target Market is defined as, "One or more specific group of potential consumers towards which an organization directs its marketing program" (Kerin).  

These companies, along with many others, know who they are targeting and made that their main priority. 
Another service that is advertised through Facebook was done by VENUE. This is an 18+ club right here in Vermont. This Valentine's Day you would not believe who is going to be there?!!!

Now the question of What other companies do, you know those companies that offer things other than products?
When it comes these companies, they use Social Medias in order to advertise their products.
Companies such as Hallmark

Or even Dove Chocolate
Well that's it for this weeks episode, but before I go:

Want to know what I'm doing for Valentine's Day? Going to see this movie with my darling!. Check out the Trailer below.

Until Next Time my fellow MARKETERS!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Guess Who's Trending?: SUPER BOWL Edition

Hey guys, Welcome Back. Before we get started I wanted to share something with you. Whoever did this, I give you props lol. Check out this youtube video.

So in today's episode, if the title didn't already give it away, I will be discussing who and what's trending and the first thing that I want to talk about is the SUPER BOWL!!!

To all my PATRIOTS fans out was a fantastic win. To my SEAHAWKS fans...umm better luck next year?

I had the opportunity to watch the game, but for all the parts that I missed, want to know the first place I looked?
YOUTUBE of course!
If you missed it too, check out the game highlights below.

Now how I would connect this to marketing? 

By looking at some of  the commercials that were shown during this event. Unlike previous years, the ones for this year were particularly sad. 

Many fans were upset...I know because I was too. 

I mean come on, you are watching the Superbowl and suddenly you saw:

This played with my emotions. I did a double take "like what the heck was that?"  It was later that I found out that the insurance company did this on purpose. They were trying to get consumers to be more aware of one of the issues that we face today.

Another one that played on my emotions was the Nissan commercial. I kid you not, I started to tear up. My friends look at me like "what the hell is wrong with you?" 
See for yourself:

You cried too right? Good thing this box of tissues was right next to me. 

Now its only fair, since I let you guys relive those very emotional commercials, that I give you guys something funny lol. Check this out:
I really enjoyed this Doritos commercial lol

or even something sweet:

I'm just Mclovin' It!!

These companies along with many more, spent millions of dollars on these commercials. The reason for this is to grasp the attention of those who view it. 

The Commercials that played on your emotion? Those were brilliant. 

I mean, look at it this way, millions of people are watching the superbowl, half of them are watching for the commercials. This is the best way, costly too, to get your company and name out there. In McDonald's case to get back what was once lost..Generation Y consumers with the promise of free things. YES! we love free, but who doesn't?  

Before I leave you guys, did you love the halftime performance as much as I did? 
Then check it out!!!
Until Next Time My fellow MARKETERS!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Oh Facebook, Facebook, wherefore art thou Ethics?

After endless searching on the internet for something to motivate me when I was down this weekend, I stumbled upon this video:
I thought if I was gonna give myself a "pick me up" I would share it with you guys.
In today's episode I will  be talking about how I view Ethical and Social Responsibility in Marketing and how it compares to the Ethical and Social Responsibility through Social Medias.

Code of Ethics ties in nicely with the Corporate culture. The Corporate Culture is said to be "a set of values, ideas, and attitudes that is learned and shared among the members of an organization" (Roger Kerin). This is also saying that culture is evident in the expectation for ethical behavior.

Want to know what others think?

Well there are those out there who think that Facebook has no form of Ethics (GASP). Facebook was said to be using their users data to conduct research without their permission (DOUBLE GASP).

What did some users do?

They complained!!! Oh you bet your asses they did.

And what did Facebook do?

As of January 2015 there have been new policies set in place. I can't tell you what these new policies are because I personally don't have anything on Facebook that I wouldn't share. But you can know the verdict in my next blog!

So if you don't want everyone to know about all your dirty little secrets
don't post them on Facebook.

When it comes to Social Responsibility, Facebook manned up and try to make their users happy.

But before we get excited and begin to jump with joy, what the heck is Social Responsibility?

Social Responsibility as defined by Roger Kerin "means that organizations are a part of a larger society and are accountable to the society for their actions". There are three concepts of Social Responsibility and those are:

1. Profit Responsibility: to maximize the profit of companies owners and stakeholders
2. Stakeholder Responsibility: to focus on the obligations that a company has to those who will increase total achievements
3. Societal Responsibility: to focus on obligations that organizations have to maintain both the ecological environment and the general public. 

And how does this relate to Facebook you ask?

Well, Facebook strive to uphold their societal responsibilities. 

This means that they do their best to keep the general public

Before I leave you guys, another one of my obsessions!!!! The Originals. Enjoy
Until Next Time my fellow MARKETERS!!!