Saturday, March 14, 2015

Grumpy Cat: Been grumpy since 2012

Hey everyone,

Welcome back!

Sorry I haven't been here for a while. I've been caught up with classes and everything. Not to fear I'm here!

In today's blog we will be discussing the one and only (drum roll please) GRUMPY CAT!

So you may have seen her around and some may think her face is hilarious. I thought so as well lol.
Anyway this little girl's real name is Tartar Sauce

She was born with her face looking like that.This was the result of and underbite and feline dwarfism.  The reason I decided to talk about her today is not only because she is funny and I can't get enough, but rather because I am going to be comparing her to  marketing. 
Talking to my friends, one of the questions that they had was "How can you write a blog about the Grumpy Cat and Marketing?" I looked at them as if they were crazy, but then proceed to break things down for them. I will give an overview of what I said to them.
Grumpy Cat made a name for herself, not only because of the look on her face, but also because of the dedication of all her fans. 
She has things from mugs, magnets to even outfits.
Grumpy Cat - I had fun once MagnetsGrumpy Cat Mug         

Grumpy Cat Leggings
 I mean come on. Does a cat need this much stuff? I know what you're thinking, she's starting to sound Grumpy. Fitting isn't it? But Honestly there is no stopping this CAT!
When the question was brought up as to who Grumpy Cat customers were, we said it was mainly targeting women. One reason for this is because of the coffee that they sell, cappuccino. Most men do not enjoy drinking their coffee filled with sugar like women do and Cappuccino= drinking pure sugar. 

Tartar Sauce can even say that she has "people." I can't even say that. She  has taken the different social medias by a storm. From Facebook, to Twitter. Don't believe me? I've attached the links below:              

Most humans aren't even as popular as he is. 
I have provided you all with the link to her website below. On there you will also find replicas of the photos you've seen above and of her many different products. Let me know what you think.

The thing that I like best about Grumpy Cat is some of the memes that I have seen. It's as if she knows how I feel about life sometimes or how I feel about people who live to annoy us!

All these photos and many more can be found on

Before I head out to enjoy my spring break please check out this trailer for Insurgent.
In theaters March 20, 2015

Until Next Time my Fellow Marketers!

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