Thursday, January 22, 2015

What's Marketing?

My name is Daviah Lawrence and I am a junior at Saint Michael's College in Colchester Vermont. I am currently taking the Marketing Course at Saint Mikes and I am very excited to learn what is marketing. This Blog is about my discovery of this thing called Marketing  and connecting it to something that I love; Social Medias.

Being a person whose entire life is embedded in the different social medias, I find that Marketing has played a major part in how these things are displayed.

 When I first heard the term Marketing, I kid you not, my first thoughts were

Yes you guessed right:  New York City and Wall Street. I know I did not have that much of an imagination, but its the truth. On my first day of Marketing class, I learned the true definition of Marketing.  It was defined as "the activity for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings, that benefits its customers, organization, its stakeholders and society at large" (Roger A. Kerin).  WOW that was a mouthful.
In simpler terms, Marketing is having an organization satisfy the wants and needs of its customer

When we take a step back and look at the makeup of Marketing we see it is consist of 4 P's:

These 4 P's are all apart of something that is known as the Marketing Mix. The elements that are mentioned above are known as the controllable factors. This means that those who are in charge of the Marketing department of a company, has total control over them.

However not every aspect of Marketing is controllable. When it comes to the Environmental Forces, Marketing departments have no control. Want to take a guess about who does? It's ok I'm gonna tell you anyway.....Its the CONSUMERS!!!

YES!!! We have the power because we know what we want and need. What I want right now is a little downtime scrolling down my facebook page. But before I can do that one question that plagues my mind is Where did Facebook come from?

The Facebook

Quick fun fact: Did you know that Facebook was invented by a college student like me?

When I first found out I was a bit shocked myself. This made me think, "There's still hope for me in  the world after all." When Zuckerberg first started he was able to gain 900 people to sign up in 4 days. Today there are millions of people using this social media. Do I even have to say more about his Marketing Skills?

The question is how does this connect to Marketing?
Today there is nothing you won’t find on Facebook, from socializing to advertising. I use Facebook as my way of catching up on the latest celebrity news or just connect with my family and friends. The possibilities of what I can find are endless. For example this morning I woke up to a Facebook request from one of my long lost friends from Middle School. Looking down my time line, there was also ADs from companies like Payless, Target and Macy's. Zuckerberg created a way for companies to share their promotions to their current and future consumers and for me to stay connected of course.

Before I go I would like to share my new obsession!!!! Jane the Virgin. It's a must watch.

 Until next time my fellow Marketers 

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